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Positive Behavior Intervention & Support (PBIS)

What is Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS)?

PBIS is a process for creating safer and more effective schools. It is a systems approach to enhancing the capacity of schools to educate all children by developing research-based, school-wide, and classroom behavior support systems. The process focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students. Rather than a prescribed program, PBIS provides systems for schools to design, implement, and evaluate effective school-wide, classroom, non-classroom, and student specific plans. PBIS includes school-wide procedures and processes intended for all students and all staff in all settings. PBIS is not a program or a curriculum. It is a team-based process for systemic problem solving, planning, and evaluation. It is an approach to creating a safe and productive learning environment where teachers can teach and all students can learn.

What do we do at South Side?

We have consistent, school-wide expectations called the "PAWS."

Prepared to Learn

Always Respectful

Work Responsibly

Show safe behavior

Students earn "Puma Paws" for following the school rules, and can use them to buy items at the school store!